SWAN air compressor S series are designed with large displacement, big air tank, low oil pressure protection, powder painting air tank, to achieve durable and long service life.
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SWAN air compressor SN series are equipped with enforced lubricating system, and can be continuously running for 24 hours under loading condition.
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SWAN air compressor H series are high efficient two stage compression, large displacements and smooth continuously operating. The strong heat dissipation design prolongs its service life and saves more cost.
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- HN series with special lubrication pump design, especially for certain environment and applications. Compressor pump by gold painting, accompany with durable powder coating air tank. Centralize check points for easier maintenance.
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EA471-15A Direct Driven Compressor Power (Hp/kW): 3.0hp/1.5kW Speed (rpm): 2850/ 3400 RPM Max. Delivery (L/min): 200 L/ 238 min Max. Pressure (bar/psi): 8 bar/ 116psi Tank Volume (Liter/Gallon): 50 liter/ 12.
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EA421-11A Direct Driven Compressor Power (Hp/kW): 2.5hp/1.1kW Speed (rpm): 2850/ 3400 RPM Max. Delivery (L/min): 156 L/ 178 min Max.
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